Coming soon...



IISA is accepting nominations for the 2024 IISA Lifetime Achievement Award (LAA). The LAA is the highest professional award conferred by IISA bestowed to its members. This award recognizes distinguished members of the association who represent ‘models of excellence’ to the IISA members. Please visit the LAA Honors & Awards page for more information.

  • Nominees must be a life member of the association, who has contributed substantially to the growth and development of IISA as a leader at the national and international levels.
  • The nomination packages must include (a) a cover letter, (b) a current curriculum vita, (c) status of the IISA membership, (d) three letters of support (each no longer than 2 pages, 12 font size, 1.5 line spaced) that specifically comment on how the nominee meets the nomination criteria. The cover letter should highlight the nominee's major contributions in research, education, and leadership in the profession as well as in the IISA demonstrating 'the model of excellence'.
  • Nominations (as a single pdf document) must be sent to awards@intindstat.org by 11:59p ET, October 30th, 2024.
  • Nominators can request the award committee to consider past nominations by sending an email.



IISA is accepting nominations for the 2024 IISA Service Award

The IISA Service Award (SA) recognizes dedicated life members of the association including India Chapter members who have rendered exceptional service to the IISA community, and represent ‘models of excellence’ to the IISA members. Exceptional service includes outstanding leadership by creating purpose for energetic members to be vigorously engaged in innovative IISA activities; demonstrating vision, creativity, and dedication for identifying new members for meritorious engagement. For additional information (including nomination procedure) please visit the Service Award page.

All nomination materials should be mailed to awards@intindstat.org (as a single pdf file) by October 30th.

Early Career Awards in Statistics and Data Sciences

IISA offers the Early Career Award in Statistics and Data Sciences (ECASDS) in three tracks. They recognize outstanding contributions made by a member in:

  • Statistics and Data Sciences: Theory
  • Statistics and Data Sciences: Applications
  • Statistics and Data Sciences: Interdisciplinary Studies and Practice


  • For all three tracks: Nominees must be an active member of IISA for at least the past two years at the time of nomination, or a life member for any length of time.
  • For the "Theory" and the "Applications" tracks: IISA members are eligible to be nominated for up to 13 years beyond the year of their terminal degree, or 41 years of age, whichever occurs later.
  • For the "Interdisciplinary Studies and Practice" track: IISA members are eligible to be nominated for up to 17 years beyond the year of their terminal degree, or 45 years of age, whichever occurs later.
  • In all tracks, the limits on age or time after terminal degree will be deemed as satisfied if these are satisfied on the first or January of the year in which the nomination is made. For example, a person can be nominated for the "Theory" track if their 42nd birthday is no earlier than January 1st of the year in which their nomination is filed.
  • A terminal degree for the purpose of these awards is a PhD, MS, BS, or their equivalents from a nationally or internationally recognized educational institution. IISA will not consider post-doctoral studies, optional practical training, curricular practical training, internships, apprenticeships, online training, or online educational activities as degree programs for the purpose of these awards.
  • A nominee will be required to show either a proof of age or a proof of graduation date once they are shortlisted for an award. A signed statement from a University Dean, Director, Head of Department, or equivalent on official stationery is acceptable as proof of graduation. A nationally or internationally recognized document like a passport, birth certificate, government-issued identity card, or driver’s license is acceptable as proof of age.

Nomination Procedure

Please complete this form and include:

  • A cover letter outlining the significance of the nominee's contributions
  • At least two but no more than three additional letters of support (each no longer than 2 pages preferably) that specifically comment on how the nominee meets the nomination criteria
  • A current curriculum vitae of the nominee, and No more than two published research papers or preprints authored by the nominee

All the materials should be combined in a single PDF document and uploaded to the nomination portal. The size of the PDF cannot exceed the file limit specified below.

Self-nomination is NOT acceptable. Winners of the ECASDS or YSSA awards in previous years (in any track) are NOT eligible.

For additional information and guidelines please check the IISA early career awards website.

Contact awards@intindstat.org for any queries regarding the IISA Early Career Award in Statistics and Data Sciences (ECASDS).

To nominate someone please use the following form:


Deadline for submission 15th October, 2024