International Indian Statistical Association (IISA) announces Student Paper and Poster Award competitions for the IISA2025 conference
to be held at Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA, on June 1-4, 2025.
This competition is for three awards:
(a) Student Paper Award in Probability and Theory of Statistics and Data Sciences,
(b) Student Paper Award in Applications of Statistics and Data Sciences, and
(c) Student Poster Awards (all topics).
Students who are enrolled in an MS/PhD (or equivalent) program in Statistics, Data Sciences or related fields by the deadline are eligible.
Women and under-represented minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.
A membership of IISA is required (student membership of IISA is free, and can be obtained easily before filling-in this form).
Winners of the previous IISA student competitions are not eligible.
Documents needed: Please complete this form, and include the following documents
1) A signed letter on official letterhead confirming your student status, from your advisor, or department chair, or director of graduate studies.
2) A short CV.
3) (Mandatory for applicants of Student Paper Award applicants , i,e, (a) or (b) above, but optional for Student Poster Award (c) applicants:) A draft version of your paper/poster. The paper should include an abstract of up to 1200 characters. The paper is recommended to be in 12 points. The student applicant must be the lead author (performed major part of the work) of the submitted paper/poster. This document is optional if you are applying for the Student Poster Award.
Please collate all documents as a single PDF file (maximum file size is 10MB) and submit using this form by the deadline.
Selection Process:
For the Student Paper Awards, i.e., (a) and (b), up to ten (10) submissions (5 in each category) will be shortlisted for oral presentations at the IISA2025 conference. The award winners will be chosen based on the quality and content of the paper and the oral presentation during the conference.
Any submission for the student paper awards that are not shortlisted for oral presentations will be automatically enrolled in the Student Poster Award competition.
The poster awards winners will be determined on the quality of their posters.
Anyone taking part in the Student Paper/Poster competition must register for the conference.
Contact: for any queries regarding the student competitions.