The annual conference of the International Indian Statistical Association (IISA) for this year will take place on June 1-4, 2025, at the Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado campus. The scientific committee responsible for building the conference program consists of Anindya Roy (chair)
Hiya Banerjee (co-chair), Rajarshi Guhoniyogi (co-chair), Soutir Bandyopadhyay (local committee chair), Avanti Athreya, Nairanjana Dasgupta, Tanujit De, Bharani Dharan, Joyee Ghosh, Aditya Guntubuniya, Yi Huang, Kaushik Jana, Po-Ling Loh, Sai Popuri.Suchitrita Sengupta, Sandip Sinharay, Tucker McElroy,
The conference program will consist of four plenary talks, a named lecture, eight special invited talks, two panel-discussion sessions, about sixty invited talk and contributed talk sessions, and a student poster competition. In addition, short courses on a few important topics of current interest will be offered for an additional fee. The topics that are presently being scheduled are machine learning algorithms and their applications, network models, and data analysis after record linkage. The offering of a course depends on its demand and the available resources. The conference is planned to take place in the traditional face-to-face format.
The R. R. Bahadur Memorial Lecture will be delivered by Amarjit Budhiraja, UNC Chapel Hill. Four other plenary talks will be given by John Abowd from the U.S. Census Bureau/Cornell Univeristy, Aarti Singh from the Carnegie Mellon University, Douglas Nychka from the Colorado School of Mines and and Paul Albert from the National Cancer Institute. In addition, eight other eminent scholars and practitioners will give special invited talks.There will be a panel discussion on "Leadership and Cross Cultural Collaboration". There is a plan for another panel session on contribution of women in statistics. The confence will have approximately fifty invited sessions, each consisting of three speakers,speaking on a coherent topic. Some of these sessions will be organized by a scientific committee member. The rest will be organized by others. A solicitation for submitting an invited session proposal is available at In addition, participants may submit a proposal to present a contributed talk or a poster. Students and younger researchers presenting posters are eligible to compete for a prize with a cash award.Depending on availability of funds IISA may provide travel support for students.
The IISA2025 confernce intends to showcase cross cultural collabortaion. There will be invited sessions organized by the International Chinese Statistical Association, the Korean International Statistical Society, and talks by statisticians affiliated with African nations. The panel discussion will also highlight cross-cultural collaboration.
A prize and award ceremony will be followed by a banquet. The conference is expected to be attended by several hundred participants. It will offer opportunities to meet with familiar people as well as with many other researchers from all over the world.